About Us

I’m Steve. I am a 70-year-old ex US Air Force firefighter and now a retired, after 31 years, aerospace worker. I’ve always been into health, fitness and weight training. After I retired 11 years ago, I got my personal training and nutrition certifications not to become a personal trainer but just for the knowledge to help me with my own training and to be able to give good advice when asked.

I see so many middle aged and older people on social media working out and, in the gym, nowadays and I just love it. Seeing all of the daily hard work they’re putting in is inspiring for me. So, I just wanted to create something, I guess they call it a brand, for us old folks. I want “Ageless “to be our symbol of hard work, discipline and dedication. We work hard for it so I think we should show it off. I feel we all should be training hard, encouraging others and promoting health and fitness as much as possible. 

The majority of my designs are my own. Learning Photoshop and some of the other online tools was a headache at times but it keeps my mind working. And that’s important to me. I don’t know a good design from a bad one, but I know what I like, and I know the message I’m trying to send. And that’s, don’t let your age get in the way of you changing your body, changing your fitness level, changing your lifestyle or changing your life. You’re never too old to start something new. The renewed energy you find in the gym will spread to other parts of your life. Wear your age proudly.

I guess that’s pretty much what I’m about. If you want to follow me on social media the links are below. Most of my posts are inspirational, encouraging and promoting fitness with a few workout videos every now and then. New arrivals will be posted on social. See ya.